Search & Rescue become an empowering experience

Magen creates a unique learning experience in the field of rescue from urban destruction and rescue. We offer personalized, experiential and empowering training that strengthens the connection to the community and the feeling of mutual responsibility.incidents.

  • Establishment and training of new units
  • Trainings to refreshen and boost the professional level
  • Performing unit practices

Trainings Examples:

Self-rescue training (2 days) –

  • Short rescue training intended for the entire population, to teach correct conduct in disaster situations in diverse environments such as private homes, high-rise buildings, workplaces and schools.

Advanced rescue course (5 days) 

  • Rescue training for professional rescue units: imparting theoretical and practical knowledge in managing rescue teams in complex disaster situations, including the use of advanced rescue tools such as electric, pneumatic, hydraulic and manual lifting, splitting, cutting and drilling tools, as well as demolition tools.
  • Providing comprehensive solutions for the professional and managerial aspects of the Initial Independent Assistance (Sa’ar) units
  • Establishment and training of new units
  • Training for refreshing and enhancing professional standards
  • Conducting unit-specific Sa’ar drills(Initial Independent Assistance Units)
  • Mentoring commanders and providing close support

Comprehensive training providing the knowledge necessary for managing destruction events smoothly across various scenarios.

  • Commander and manager training where disaster area management is practiced across different scenarios.
  • Practices for deploying and managing volunteers.
  • Command Post (HQ) training as a workgroup and of individual roles.

Focusing and specializing in one of the various subfields together with the experienced teams of Magen

  • Support and Tunneling Course
  • Rescue Engineers Course
  • Population Intelligence Gathering and Implementation
  • Psychological First Aid
  • Road Accident Rescue

Enrichment lectures based on various disaster events from around the world. The lectures are tailored to both large and small groups, successfully telling a captivating story while simultaneously presenting different ways to cope with stressful situations, insights on team management at critical points, and more.

Building training sites and simulating destruction environments at various difficulty levels based on operational knowledge accumulated from work at destruction sites around the world. This is done according to a scenario tailored to the client.

Search and Rescue - we are experts in training teams for critical work!

Our expertise in customization:

We study the unique needs of each client and adapt the training precisely – starting from the level of existing knowledge up to the location, number of hours and the language. The professional adjustment process guarantees a relevant and effective learning experience.

Experiential and meaningful training:

Defense training is much more than 
learning rescue techniques - it is a fascinating and unforgettable experience. Participants experience feelings of achievement, team building, teamwork, creativity and self-confidence through realistic simulations and experiential exercises.

Multidisciplinary learning for life:

During the training, the participants acquire important tools that they can use in all areas of life - leadership, self-management, dealing with pressure, cooperation, creative thinking and more. Magen prepares the participants to be better people - for themselves, their families and their communities.

The duration of the training ranges from a few hours to several days, depending on the client's needs. Open the door to an unforgettable experience in the world of search and rescue and, along with acquiring essential tools for life itself.

Choose a professional and quality service!
Assign your search and rescue training to Magen's experts today

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